A visit to Botswana 1999


part of the homepage of Ruud and Kitty Kampf

Pilanes National Park
611 Whitethroated Robin
723 Bushveld Pipit
845 Violeteared Waxbill

Limpopo river
417 Little Swift
447 Lilacbreasted Roller
736 Southern Boubou
763 Longtailed Starling
806 Scalyfeathered Finch

Khama Rhino Sanctuary
122 Cape Vulture
123 Whitebacked Vulture
124 Lappetfaced Vulture
132 Tawny Eagle
143 Blackbreasted Snake Eagle
258 Blacksmith Plover
438 Eurasian Bee-eater
497 Fawncoloured Lark
821 Redbilled Quelea

Kubu Island
118 Secretarybird
126.1 Yellowbilled Kite
171 Peregrine Falcon
181 Rock Kestrel
203 Helmeted Guineafowl
230 Kori Bustard
297 Spotted Dikkop
354 Cape Turtle Dove
382 Jacobin Cuckoo
392 Barn Owl
401 Spotted Eagle Owl
408 Freckled Nightjar
438 Eurasian Bee-eater
457 Grey Hornbill
459 Southern Yellowbilled Hornbill
465 Pied Barbet
495 Clapper Lark
497 Fawncoloured Lark
506 Spikeheeled Lark
547 Black Crow
548 Pied Crow
567 Redeyed Bulbul
595 Anteating Chat
615 Kalahari Robin
643 Willow Warbler
685 Blackchested Prinia
689 Spotted Flycatcher
710 Paradise Flycatcher
716 Grassveld Pipit
717 Longbilled Pipit
719 Buffy Pipit
764 Glossy Starling
779 Marico Sunbird
803 Cape Sparrow
804 Southern Greyheaded Sparrow
806 Scalyfeathered Finch
886 Rock Bunting

133 Steppe Eagle
239 Black Korhaan
305 Blackwinged Pratincole
339 Whitewinged Tern
516 Greybacked Finchlark

122 Cape Vulture
123 Whitebacked Vulture
124 Lappetfaced Vulture
146 Bateleur
157 Little Sparrowhawk
162 Pale Chanting Goshawk
230 Kori Bustard
237 Redcrested Korhaan
239 Black Korhaan
247 Chestnutbanded Plover
255 Crowned Plover
297 Spotted Dikkop
300 Temminck's Courser
301 Doublebanded Courser
402 Giant Eagle Owl
445 Swallowtailed Bee-eater
498 Sabota Lark
507 Redcapped Lark
508 Pinkbilled Lark
587 Capped Wheatear
595 Anteating Chat
615 Kalahari Robin
619 Garden Warbler
621 Titbabbler
719 Buffy Pipit
739 Crimsonbreasted Boubou
741 Brubru
799 Whitebrowed Sparrowweaver
806 Scalyfeathered Finch
845 Violeteared Waxbill

148 African Fish Eagle
157 Little Sparrowhawk
172 Lanner Falcon
392 Barn Owl
396 African Scops Owl

107 Hottentot Teal
116 Spurwinged Goose
156 Ovambo Sparrowhawk
157 Little Sparrowhawk
159 Little Banded Goshawk
161 Gabar Goshawk
194 Redbilled Francolin
269 Marsh Sandpiper
284 Ruff
352 Redeyed Dove
355 Laughing Dove
358 Greenspotted Dove
373 Grey Lourie
396 African Scops Owl
399 Barred Owl
402 Giant Eagle Owl
441 Carmine Bee-eater
450 Broadbilled Roller
518 Eurasian Swallow
560 Arrowmarked Babbler
567 Redeyed Bulbul
576 Kurrichane Thrush
735 Longtailed Shrike
798 Redbilled Buffalo Weaver
804 Southern Greyheaded Sparrow
805 Yellowthroated Sparrow

65 Purple Heron
72 Squacco Heron
76 Blackcrowned Night Heron
88 Saddlebilled Stork
90 Yellowbilled Stork
95 African Spoonbill
99 Whitefaced Duck
102 Egyptian Goose
107 Hottentot Teal
108 Redbilled Teal
115 Knobbilled Duck
121 Hooded Vulture
122 Cape Vulture
123 Whitebacked Vulture
124 Lappetfaced Vulture
126.1 Yellowbilled Kite
132 Tawny Eagle
132 Tawny Eagle
135 Wahlberg's Eagle
142 Brown Snake Eagle
183 Lesser Kestrel
207 Wattled Crane
213 Black Crake
242 Painted Snipe
245 Ringed Plover
247 Chestnutbanded Plover
258 Blacksmith Plover
261 Longtoed Plover
266 Wood Sandpiper
269 Marsh Sandpiper
270 Greenshank
284 Ruff
295 Blackwinged Stilt
339 Whitewinged Tern
344 Namaqua Sandgrouse
345 Burchell's Sandgrouse
347 Doublebanded Sandgrouse
411 Eurasian Swift
457 Grey Hornbill
493 Monotonous Lark
594 Arnot's Chat

67 Little Egret
132 Tawny Eagle
136 Booted Eagle
146 Bateleur
183 Lesser Kestrel
230 Kori Bustard
248 Kittlitz's Plover
252 Caspian Plover
347 Doublebanded Sandgrouse
375 African Cuckoo
402 Giant Eagle Owl
447 Lilacbreasted Roller
515 Chestnutbacked Finchlark
582 Cape Rockthrush
714 Yellow Wagtail
719 Buffy Pipit
735 Longtailed Shrike
771 Yellowbilled Oxpecker

Drive from Moremi to Chobe
132 Tawny Eagle
133 Steppe Eagle
136 Booted Eagle
230 Kori Bustard
274 Little Stint
284 Ruff
347 Doublebanded Sandgrouse
440 Bluecheeked Bee-eater
515 Chestnutbacked Finchlark
695 Marico Flycatcher
739 Crimsonbreasted Boubou

65 Purple Heron
66 Great White Egret
67 Little Egret
76 Blackcrowned Night Heron
80 Bittern
229 African Finfoot
463 Ground Hornbill
599 Heuglin's Robin
797 Yellow White-eye

49 White Pelican
64 Goliath Heron
80 Bittern
81 Hamerkop
87 Openbilled Stork
89 Marabou Stork
102 Egyptian Goose
122 Cape Vulture
123 Whitebacked Vulture
124 Lappetfaced Vulture
132 Tawny Eagle
142 Brown Snake Eagle
146 Bateleur
170 Osprey
185 Dickinson's Kestrel
264 Common Sandpiper
269 Marsh Sandpiper
287 Ethiopian Snipe
290 Whimbrel
343 African Skimmer
398 Pearlspotted Owl
411 Eurasian Swift
415 Whiterumped Swift
444 Little Bee-eater
495 Clapper Lark
507 Redcapped Lark
518 Eurasian Swallow
523 Pearlbreasted Swallow
530 House Martin
532 Sand Martin
596 Stonechat
651 Longbilled Crombec
665 Desert Cisticola
671 Tinkling Cisticola
675 Blackbacked Cisticola
701 Chinspot Batis
733 Redbacked Shrike
735 Longtailed Shrike
738 Swamp Boubou
854 Orangebreasted Waxbill
862 Paradise Whydah

Zambesi National Park
126 Black Kite
126.1 Yellowbilled Kite
306 Rock Pratincole
443 Whitefronted Bee-eater
444 Little Bee-eater
740 Puffback

Caprivi-east, incl Kalizo
58 Reed Cormorant
65 Purple Heron
71 Cattle Egret
72 Squacco Heron
74 Greenbacked Heron
75 Rufousbellied Heron
89 Marabou Stork
148 African Fish Eagle
149 Steppe Buzzard
165 African Marsh Harrier
246 Whitefronted Plover
254 Grey Plover
259 Whitecrowned Plover
261 Longtoed Plover
264 Common Sandpiper
266 Wood Sandpiper
269 Marsh Sandpiper
270 Greenshank
281 Sanderling
343 African Skimmer
343 African Skimmer
396 African Scops Owl
402 Giant Eagle Owl
409 Mozambique Nightjar
428 Pied Kingfisher
429 Giant Kingfisher
431 Malachite Kingfisher
454 Scimitarbilled Woodhoopoe
507 Redcapped Lark
531 Greyrumped Swallow
532 Sand Martin
599 Heuglin's Robin
613 Whitebrowed Robin
676 Chirping Cisticola
733 Redbacked Shrike
846 Common Waxbill

Mumulu National Park
89 Marabou Stork
99 Whitefaced Duck
107 Hottentot Teal
115 Knobbilled Duck
122 Cape Vulture
123 Whitebacked Vulture
142 Brown Snake Eagle
143 Blackbreasted Snake Eagle
237 Redcrested Korhaan
239 Black Korhaan
361 Green Pigeon
378 Black Cuckoo
380 Great Spotted Cuckoo
396 African Scops Owl
449 Purple Roller
496 Flappet Lark
625 Icterine Warbler
631 African Marsh Warbler
634 Eurasian Sedge Warbler
676 Chirping Cisticola
701 Chinspot Batis
731 Lesser Grey Shrike
733 Redbacked Shrike
811 Spottedbacked Weaver
847 Blackcheeked Waxbill

64 Goliath Heron
65 Purple Heron
76 Blackcrowned Night Heron
94 Hadeda Ibis
113 Southern Pochard
114 Pygmy Goose
160 African Goshawk
165 African Marsh Harrier
205 Kurrichane Buttonquail
213 Black Crake
240 African Jacana
241 Lesser Jacana
298 Water Dikkop
364 Meyer's Parrot
386 Diederik Cuckoo
388 Black Coucal
391.1 Whitebrowed Coucal
395 Marsh Owl
443 Whitefronted Bee-eater
444 Little Bee-eater
451 African Hoopoe
464 Blackcollared Barbet
518 Eurasian Swallow
526 Greater Striped Swallow
527 Lesser Striped Swallow
562 Hartlaub's Babbler
596 Stonechat
617 Bearded Robin
631 African Marsh Warbler
635 Cape Reed Warbler
675 Blackbacked Cisticola
676 Chirping Cisticola
689 Spotted Flycatcher
710 Paradise Flycatcher
731 Lesser Grey Shrike
733 Redbacked Shrike
778 Coppery Sunbird
779 Marico Sunbird
793 Collared Sunbird
843 Brown Firefinch

130 Honey Buzzard
132 Tawny Eagle
143 Blackbreasted Snake Eagle
146 Bateleur
258 Blacksmith Plover
260 Wattled Plover
300 Temminck's Courser
373 Grey Lourie
444 Little Bee-eater
534 Banded Martin
561 Blackfaced Babbler
562 Hartlaub's Babbler
625 Icterine Warbler
651 Longbilled Crombec
657.1 Greybacked BleatingWarbler
681 Neddicky
710 Paradise Flycatcher
731 Lesser Grey Shrike
810 Spectacled Weaver
842 Redbilled Firefinch
843 Brown Firefinch
844 Blue Waxbill
846 Common Waxbill
847 Blackcheeked Waxbill
861 Shafttailed Whydah
886 Rock Bunting

76 Blackcrowned Night Heron
108 Redbilled Teal
115 Knobbilled Duck
116 Spurwinged Goose
118 Secretarybird
124 Lappetfaced Vulture
126.1 Yellowbilled Kite
127 Blackshouldered Kite
132 Tawny Eagle
135 Wahlberg's Eagle
137 African Hawk Eagle
140 Martial Eagle
146 Bateleur
149 Steppe Buzzard
160 African Goshawk
410 Pennantwinged Nightjar
436 Greyhooded Kingfisher
672 Rattling Cisticola
713 Cape Wagtail

Mahango Game Park
64 Goliath Heron
66 Great White Egret
123 Whitebacked Vulture
128 Cuckoo Hawk
207 Wattled Crane
304 Redwinged Pratincole
382 Jacobin Cuckoo
435 Brownhooded Kingfisher
443 Whitefronted Bee-eater
451 African Hoopoe
525 Mosque Swallow
554 Southern Black Tit
697 Chat Flycatcher
731 Lesser Grey Shrike
733 Redbacked Shrike
738 Swamp Boubou
763 Longtailed Starling
861 Shafttailed Whydah
870 Blackthroated Canary

Drotsky Cabins and Okavango river
58 Reed Cormorant
60 Darter
63 Blackheaded Heron
64 Goliath Heron
65 Purple Heron
66 Great White Egret
67 Little Egret
71 Cattle Egret
74 Greenbacked Heron
76 Blackcrowned Night Heron
77 Whitebacked Night Heron
87 Openbilled Stork
89 Marabou Stork
90 Yellowbilled Stork
99 Whitefaced Duck
108 Redbilled Teal
115 Knobbilled Duck
116 Spurwinged Goose
136 Booted Eagle
148 African Fish Eagle
165 African Marsh Harrier
223 Purple Gallinule
246 Whitefronted Plover
248 Kittlitz's Plover
254 Grey Plover
260 Wattled Plover
262 Ruddy Turnstone
264 Common Sandpiper
270 Greenshank
272 Curlew Sandpiper
281 Sanderling
284 Ruff
304 Redwinged Pratincole
345 Burchell's Sandgrouse
394 Wood Owl
428 Pied Kingfisher
429 Giant Kingfisher
431 Malachite Kingfisher
440 Bluecheeked Bee-eater
441 Carmine Bee-eater
443 Whitefronted Bee-eater
444 Little Bee-eater
452 Redbilled Woodhoopoe
457 Grey Hornbill
464 Blackcollared Barbet
676 Chirping Cisticola
754 Redbilled Helmetshrike
807 Thickbilled Weaver
818 Brownthroated Weaver

Tsodilo Hills
135 Wahlberg's Eagle
143 Blackbreasted Snake Eagle
172 Lanner Falcon
352 Redeyed Dove
353 African Mourning Dove
354 Cape Turtle Dove
364 Meyer's Parrot
398 Pearlspotted Owl
401 Spotted Eagle Owl
449 Purple Roller
457 Grey Hornbill
459 Southern Yellowbilled Hornbill
541 Forktailed Drongo
554 Southern Black Tit
567 Redeyed Bulbul
643 Willow Warbler
681 Neddicky
689 Spotted Flycatcher
731 Lesser Grey Shrike
733 Redbacked Shrike
741 Brubru
743 Threestreaked Tchagra
753 White Helmetshrike
761 Plumcoloured Starling
797 Yellow White-eye
799 Whitebrowed Sparrowweaver
804 Southern Greyheaded Sparrow
807 Thickbilled Weaver
844 Blue Waxbill
845 Violeteared Waxbill
861 Shafttailed Whydah
870 Blackthroated Canary

Makgadikgadi Pans
1 Ostrich
88 Saddlebilled Stork
89 Marabou Stork
118 Secretarybird
118 Secretarybird
123 Whitebacked Vulture
124 Lappetfaced Vulture
132 Tawny Eagle
140 Martial Eagle
148 African Fish Eagle
167 Pallid Harrier
182 Greater Kestrel
205 Kurrichane Buttonquail
230 Kori Bustard
239 Black Korhaan
248 Kittlitz's Plover
249 Threebanded Plover
258 Blacksmith Plover
264 Common Sandpiper
270 Greenshank
274 Little Stint
281 Sanderling
284 Ruff
295 Blackwinged Stilt
304 Redwinged Pratincole
305 Blackwinged Pratincole
406 Rufouscheeked Nightjar
411 Eurasian Swift
421 Palm Swift
440 Bluecheeked Bee-eater
492 Melodious Lark
495 Clapper Lark
518 Eurasian Swallow
548 Pied Crow
595 Anteating Chat
615 Kalahari Robin
621 Titbabbler
643 Willow Warbler
665 Desert Cisticola
681 Neddicky
716 Grassveld Pipit
735 Longtailed Shrike
760 Wattled Starling
762 Burchell's Starling
763 Longtailed Starling
764 Glossy Starling

Tuli Mawana
90 Yellowbilled Stork
140 Martial Eagle
375 African Cuckoo
377 Redchested Cuckoo
382 Jacobin Cuckoo
386 Diederik Cuckoo
403 Pel's Fishing Owl
761 Plumcoloured Starling
798 Redbilled Buffalo Weaver
815 Lesser Masked Weaver

381 Striped Cuckoo
426 Redfaced Mousebird
494 Rufousnaped Lark
577 Olive Thrush
664 Fantailed Cisticola
803 Cape Sparrow

A part of the homepage of Ruud and Kitty Kampf

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Voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 23-4-00
Door Ruud Kampf
Email: rekel@tref.nl